Discovering Today's Israel: a virtual tour via taxonomy-driven website


rayogram extended The Desert and the Cities Sing: Discovering Today's Israel beyond the printed page is a celebration of Israel’s diverse cultural and scientific accomplishments as told through photographs, films, animations and books to reveal the richness of a country many know only through front-page headlines.

Authors—Lin Arison, Diana C. Stoll, and Neil Folberg— turned to rayogram to adapt the content of the printed page to a taxonomy-driven website. This creative concept allows visitors to explore the myriad connections between the work of world-renowned artists, educators, and innovators.

rayogram reviewed the content of the projects’ five books, extracted and copyedited them into web-sized articles, pulling still images and video to illustrate them. We also conducted extensive photo research to illustrate content not previously accompanied by images. And solicited and coypedited new content to add to the site post launch through a partnership with a nonprofit Israeli news agency.

We also managed Instagram, Twitter and Facebook social networks post launch. And helped the authors live blog their celebratory return to Israel to promote the project.

jane beck
We're rayogram, a cross-disciplinary studio whose creative strategies leave an impression.We build brands, launch publications, and create great digital user-experiences.

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