JD Power: Defining VoX, the voice of experience


While their competitors were building software , JD Power was been building trust—with consumers and with companies. It’s the trust surrounding their new software platform that makes them unique.

In exploring a brand position for J.D. Power’s client delivery platform (which we also designed), we helped position it as part of the overall J.D. Power customer experience framework.


We began this process by looking for a way to express the breadth of their offerings—a way of communicating their values and expertise. And what resonated most was J.D. Power’s results. We developed a creative/marketing/communications strategy around the concept of harmonizing. What better outcome could be expected from J.D. Power’s customer experience framework—enabled by their client delivery platform than to bring a company into harmony with its customers, with themselves

While the industry emphasizes ‘Voice of the Consumer (VOC)’ and Customer Experience (CX) in defining the market place, we looked at how best to combine these concepts into ‘Voice of Experience (VOX)’ . After all, J.D. Power’s platform brings together the voice of the customer, the voice of the industry, the voice of J.D. Power. And this insightful collaboration—when in harmony—results in the ‘Voice of Experience’.

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jane beck
We're rayogram, a cross-disciplinary studio whose creative strategies leave an impression.We build brands, launch publications, and create great digital user-experiences.

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